Wednesday, January 28, 2009

YouTube! Broadcast...You Know...Everything

In the same way that GoodReads allows me to share a connection with my librarian friend on the far off East coast, YouTube provides a connection with a former film student friend on the West coast. Thanks to YouTube, a dear chum I don't see nearly enough of can periodically IM me links to videos for my amusement. If that's not the highest calling YouTube can claim, I surely don't know what is.

I believe I have mentioned before that I have seen people tag their own stuff with many completely irrelevant tags just to get more views--and I have seen this on YouTube. That is the worst, most annoying thing. Keywords that have nothing to do with the information object are in many ways the antithesis of what we do at libraries, obscuring information and making it inaccessible. HATE THAT.

There are some ways to incorporate YouTube into library Web sites; informational videos, building tours, the occasional advertisement about existence and services:

The usual.

And, I'm going to link here to a short video done by the film group of friend I mentioned above. I'm not going to try to describe it, but let's just say it reflects an, uh, interesting sense of humor, so, you know, be prepared.

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