Friday, December 26, 2008

Explor the Ar Es Es

Well, I did kinda answer these questions in the last post. But, I will say that I have NO PROBLEM finding RSS feeds. The landscape is littered with them. The potential for RSS overload is enormous.

So, I'm about to start organizing things into folders in my Google Reader. Mmm...GoogleCake. And as I said before, I am likely to keep a-calling on my favorite innernet nooks in person, so to speak, but RSS seems like a bang up way to get a companion cube's weight in professional news and information from those less personal-like sites. At least until the crazy-busy or crazy-lazy sets in and I decide that everything on the innernets must now come to me 'cause I am to bizzy-important-lazy to go to it. Which, you know, is not totally out of the question.

BONUS ROUND: Who, amongst the maybe one or two people who might be casually wandering by 'cause I am really sure that nobody reads this anymore, got the cake-and-companion-cube reference?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

AR ES ES does a pirate keep up with newsfeeds? ARRRRRRRRRSS.



I don't think anyone is reading this anymore.

I haven't been really keen to try RSS. I guess I'm not really all that savvy, or maybe I'm just a Reluctant Adapter. I suppose that's it. I like visiting everyone's little corner of cyberspace. It's fun. But, you know, I'm willing to give RSS a try--especially as there's more for me to read, and it's more pro stuff. It is a little harder to remember to hit pro sites all the time, and it is more convenient to have that information--if only because there is so much more of it--all in one place, baked together and fresh. Like a cake. A professional librarian cake. A profresh libcake.

Mmmm...RSS feeds...

I think once I have my...DATAPAD [my iGo or whatever]...RSS feeds will be just as normal a part of my routine as checking my email and deleting the spam. While I might cling to visiting the actual blog sites of the blogs of enjoy--because I think of it as a little visit, and I find it humanizing, I guess, in the big digital scheme of things--I do see RSS as uber helpful when it comes to all that professional information, and as INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS, dang if we don't generate kind of a lot of it. That really makes RSS pretty sweet. Sweet RSS cake. And unlike some cake, that cake is not a lie.

I'm going to go hug my companion cube now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Technology Luv

Here's my technology related post:


I...kinda want one.

But, more to the point I guess, things like the Kindle--and I think in the nearish future we'll have Kindle-looking personal computer type things that access wireless networks and display books and so on and so forth and generally operate just like what they call in the Star Wars books "datapads" and said things--heck we might call them "datapads" but that sounds nerdy so probably it will be something more like...I don't know, but Apple's version will be called the "iGo" (SHOUTOUT)--will keep us pretty hyperconnected to all the things we can now consider "print" (that which we read). (Okay, sentence over. Take a breath.) If we are lucky, our phones will not have been directly implanted into our brains by then.

If we are that lucky, and we are not taking calls a la Ghost in the Shell, then I think we will see a push toward having "disconnect" time. At least, I hope we will. There should (IhopeIhopeIhope) be a rising school of thought that attaches real value to quiet time, time devoted to face to face interaction and division between work time and home time (as more people telecommute).

Or, you know, we're all just going to get those brain implants.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Motivator

Have you ever felt like the wave of pop culture was cresting above your head and then just tearing by, leaving you adrift in the flotsam and jetsam of buzz words and washed up 15 minute phemonema you vaguely recognize? Have you promised yourself that you will get in the game and seize the moment--that you will learn something fresh and new and just hope that it turns out to be iconic instead of laughably ephemeral? Will you dig deep and find the time, the energy, the hand-eye coordination?

Well. The gauntlet has been thrown down.

Hello, Flickr...

I confess I actually use Photobucket, for no particular reason. I suppose I like the name. If I owned a comedy club, I would call it the Chuckle Bucket. Probably no one would come. I would still think it was funny. I digress.

Anyhoodle, I am at least mildly familiar with something similar to Flickr. And here's the picture that caught my eye.


Awww. Talk about high voter turn out. This voter turned out of his grave. Ha ha ha. Okay, I'm done. Thank you, Collins Garden, for the great selection of mummy photos. They were really freakin' cute.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blog luv

Before I had a tiny helper who loves to type (what he lacks in accuracy he makes up for in speed) and play with yarn, I used to read a lot of knitting blogs. I'm just now starting to read them again (they all publish books now, too)--I am a great fan of The Yarn Harlot in particular. Mason-Dixon Knitting is another great one. BUT ENOUGH WITH THE FIBER AND FIBER BOOK BLOGS.

Judge a Book By Its Cover is a total hoot. I have often looked at the covers of books and thought, "What the...?"

Seems I'm not the only one.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners

I think the easiest of the 7.5 Habits is Goal Setting. Goal Setting is awesomely easy! And fun! It is that crucial follow through that trips me up. Maybe I am splitting some hairs or whatnot with choosing "Goals" as the Easy (BUT MAYBE NOT) Habit, but really, reasonable goal setting is kind of a skill of its own. It has to mean something, after all--goals have to be within the realm of the possible but still a challenge, and so on. But it's easy to dream big, so to just dream up goals--well, that's no sweat.

The Hard Habit is probably Seeing Problems as Challenges. I generally have enough going on that when something else goes wrong, I fall into the "OH GOD, WHAT NOW?? @#$^*&%!!" response category. Now, if said problem/challenge involves a hobby, or something I've chosen to do out of interest or love, I try to remember the words of noted Knitting Goddess Elizabeth Zimmerman, who said that when faced with frogging your work you should think, and I paraphrase, "The chance to do more of my favorite hobby! Yay!" But we all know that histrionics are theraputic. I once had to tell a friend to quit trying to solve my problem and just let me complain. It's when I go all quiet that you really need to worry.

That's all for now. Hi Dianna! And Assorted Members of 23 Things Team! Are you actually reading the blogs?