Thursday, May 21, 2009

RIP Shojo Beat

To my surprise, although I suppose I shouldn't have been, Viz cancelled Shojo Beat and we'll all be a little poorer for having to wait longer to find out what happens in Vampire Knight (legally). Viz was stingy with the details on why the decision was made, which makes it hard not to think badly of them.

At any rate, with Anime Insider's unceremonious dumping a few months ago, this makes the second high interest YA magazine to make a recent fall. Bad times.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Tardy to the Party

I started One Piece several days ago now, and I'm COMPLETELY taken with it. I see why it's widely adored (I like my entertainment to be escapist). I'm on volume 14, and it's just swell. I'm in Pirate Love. I haven't wanted to be a pirate this badly since the fifth grade.

I don't think I can add anything to what's already been said about this series; Sleep is for the Weak has a nice review that sums it up well (they sum up most stuff pretty well). All that remains is for me to be properly embarrassed by how long it took for me to finally pick this one up.

I am seriously considering a One Piece themed tattoo.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Cobwebs in the Closet

I have been considering for several days now my poor neglected Closet, how I could make some use of it and whether I really have anything to add to the Innernets. Not that there aren't plenty of useless things on the Innernets. But still. The Closet might well serve some purpose beyond housing my fabulous digital shoe collection.

While I try to think of something useful to say, I will in the meantime unveil my plan for infesting the library with kodama (Princess Mononoke style). I'm not sure how I will achieve this. I imagine it will involve yarn and patience.