Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Soooo...how does a pirate keep up with newsfeeds? ARRRRRRRRRSS.



I don't think anyone is reading this anymore.

I haven't been really keen to try RSS. I guess I'm not really all that savvy, or maybe I'm just a Reluctant Adapter. I suppose that's it. I like visiting everyone's little corner of cyberspace. It's fun. But, you know, I'm willing to give RSS a try--especially as there's more for me to read, and it's more pro stuff. It is a little harder to remember to hit pro sites all the time, and it is more convenient to have that information--if only because there is so much more of it--all in one place, baked together and fresh. Like a cake. A professional librarian cake. A profresh libcake.

Mmmm...RSS feeds...

I think once I have my...DATAPAD [my iGo or whatever]...RSS feeds will be just as normal a part of my routine as checking my email and deleting the spam. While I might cling to visiting the actual blog sites of the blogs of enjoy--because I think of it as a little visit, and I find it humanizing, I guess, in the big digital scheme of things--I do see RSS as uber helpful when it comes to all that professional information, and as INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS, dang if we don't generate kind of a lot of it. That really makes RSS pretty sweet. Sweet RSS cake. And unlike some cake, that cake is not a lie.

I'm going to go hug my companion cube now.


Unknown said...

Mmmm Cake.....

loladimz said...

What kind of movie does a pirate like? One that's rated ARRRRRRRRRR. It's not reading blogs that's an issue, it's thinking of appropriate pirate jokes and posting them to prove you read a post. Must be a pirate joke feed around here somewhere...