Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Google Docs: Not the New Option From Your HMO

Pretty neat, though. I wish the presentation option had a bit more of the PPT bells and whistles, but I was able to upload PPT slides into it (it mostly worked). And being able to store docs remotely like this, well, yeehaw, I say. I'm always worried about what's going to happen if my flashdrive meets with an unfortunate fate.

This is something that would be pretty dang helpful for anything one would like to squirrel away. I can think of all kinds of scenarios: travelling, simply not having your own computer, moving between locations frequently (which kind of sounds just like the first two)...

It kept telling me that it couldn't authenticate the username when I tried to Publish a test doc, but now it appears that IT WORKED. Awesome.

Hey, Didi or Assorted-Other-23-Things-Person: may I have a lesson check, please? Thanks!

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