Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well, Well. And Here We Are.

Gee, it looks like I've reached the 23rd Thing. Gosh.

There really have been so many discoveries. For instance, I've discovered way more about Dan than I ever knew there was to know. And that my 23 Thinger has seen at least one anime that I have. Didi has never played Portal, but should. 'Cause everybody should. But all of these things just bring us closer as friends and colleagues! And that's really what 2.0 is all about, isn't it?

I've picked up some useful stuff. I use Google Reader now, and I check it every day. I think Google Docs will become more useful in the future as it gets a bit more tricked out, like Office (love me some Publisher and Powerpoint). I look foward to Twittering, even if the root is uncomfortably close to "twit." Rollyo sucks, but not everything is a winner.

I hope my posts have been at least mildly entertaining for you. It's been a good idea, and I apprieciate the chance to get nudged out of my comfort zones and explore--I don't get that opportunity much, so this has been fun.

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