Thursday, January 29, 2009

Attack of the Pod(cast) People!

It's really fortunate that we're getting to the end of 23 Things, 'cause I'm clearly running out of ideas for entry titles.

Ah, podcasts. I have long resisted podcasts, much longer than I have most other things on the Innernets, probably because I'm not really an auditory learner--it's hard on me to just hear, as opposed to having something to watch while I listen. Yes, I also mildly dislike talking on the phone. Yes, I know there are "video podcasts" or whatever.

ANYWAY. I did find some useful things! I listened to the Mugglecast (the podcast associated with the Harry Potter juggernaut fan site MuggleNet), and I also added Nancy Pearl's book review podcast to my Google Reader (and listened to her review of The Graveyard Book). I really think that listening to her reviews is going to be fun, and despite the fact that I couldn't manage to download a single episode of the podcast, it worked like a charm as soon as I added the RSS feed to my Reader. Woot.

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