Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2.0 Toolbox: Shoo-bee-doo-bee-doo-tweet-tweet!


I would, at this point, put in a graphic of the Twitter logo popping out of a pokeball, but frankly I just don't have that kind of time today.

Despite having read some questionable things recently about Twitter's commitment to user care, I am still excited to try it (although what I read was vastly disappointing--I hope that it results in enough introspection for Twitter to change its approach). I have liked the idea of tweeting for awhile now, after a brief period of warming up, but I believe what really put me over on Twitter was Neil Gaiman's incredible, heart-felt Tweet post-Newbery win. Go look it up. Seriously, it's just awesome.

I really like that you can text in your Tweet. Even though I haven't really gotten into it very far yet, Twitter looks sort of like a persistent texting hub. I am really looking forward to seeing how all this is managed.

As far as library applications...I'm not sure. Maybe it's possible to Tweet in reference questions? I'm completely unsure about that at this point, since I just barely got started. But we could absolutely Tweet out library news and services updates. It could be used to make the library seem much more like a living, active entity--which, of course, we are.

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